
Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Healthy Journey

MSodaPop Thought of a great way to get healthy, feel better, and get that beach body for the summer! I decided to join in as well. And i encourage anybody who wants to join us to please do so! Just comment below but here is where i will be having my progress 

Here's The Basic Idea
1. Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day
2. Encourage 1 Another and Keep up with Each other to Motive & Help Each other to Stay on Track
3. Eat healthy! If you would like, Post or Send Pictures of What we All Ate 4 the Day
4. Exercise! 
5. I added one of my own: Take Vitamins! Find the Perfect Skin Care Regimen!

Exercise: Sooo..... Today was my first day and I work in an office where the most exercise I get is the 5 minute stretch/stand up we do after lunch (nobody ever does except the short ones, because you cant see the computer at all!!) & going out for a cigarette which I do probably most often in the whole office!!  So for my "exercise" I just called different fitness centers to see where I can get the most for my money. All way too expensive!! So we do have a bike from the i think 50's? its so loud and old but it does work so I will be putting it to use. oh yeah, & it has a timer on it but i sounds like it should be in the kitchen!
Food: I had a banana and a pop-tart. My justification was I wanted to get more hours so didn't go out for lunch PLUS I probably would have just went to a fast food place anyways. I would like to figure out how to eat healthy ON A BUDGET! any recommendations?? and I had a salad for dinner along with the rest of my pop tart. and I did 6 glasses along with like 3 glasses of pop! Im addicted to pop! so 3 was really cutting down for me!
Vitamins: I just take B12's & Vitamin E and once i get paid i would like to do Quick Trim and get some other vitamins. Any other suggestions on what worked for you all?

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