
Monday, September 2, 2013

Instagram Month in Review

This month has been pretty crazy. So many ups and a few downs. I won't get into the downs because nobody wants to hear about my woe is me sob story...not even me. I do have to say over all, my month was pretty fun with a ton of changes.

1. The first night in my new bedroom! Which used to be my dads room. I thought it would be nostalgic living here but it honestly feels new and feels like my house. I am the only person living here right now RENT FREE. It feels so cool to say that last sentence. I have a room decor/tour blog coming up.

2. I moved! Into my Mumum's house where my dad {and I pretty much} grew up. Since it is our families house, I had a ton of cleaning to do in order to move in. It wasn't all showoff-y and looking like someone wanted to buy it. We had to paint, deep clean, and clean out everything that has been in the house for years. I found these after shave bottles from Avon. I am sure they are from a long time ago. I almost kept them but instead took a picture. That's the cool thing about photos. You don't have to hoard objects. Just photos.

3. I bar tend every Tuesday all day at the restaurant I work at. My most loyal customer is a guy who works in the kitchen. My mom and Philly also came into see me one day. A little boring considering I am not going to have a full bar on a Tuesday at 2pm. Such is life. Naturally, I experiment with making drinks with 151 in them. That drink is called a Caribou Blue. But it's not blue.

4. A water mark from my cup on the stoop outside reminding me to smile. Like I said, there has been up's and down's. This simple event reminded me to be grateful. I always need to be reminded of that, youknowwhatimean?

5+6. Decorating! I got a ton of stuff from Pat Catan's with a grand total of $12! That isn't even everything I bought. Pat Catan's haul coming soon! I got my editing program in the mail today so now I can finally edit it and put it up. Can I tell you about the hard work that goes into creating a video? Maybe another time.

7. Stella sleeping with her tutu at Philly's house.

8. A photo my mom took back in the 70's. I love it. It captures the 70's home life to a T if you ask me.

9. FOTD makeup

10. The actual FOTD and me making a weird face trying my best to act natural.

♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I went to Cedar Point again. This time I went with Alex, her boyfriend Wes and her little brother Seth. We had such a great time and I love them so much! To think I almost didn't go. I am so glad I did. Alex bought us the room. I can't be more thankful for her. I don't have a ton of close friends but the friends I do have are the greatest people out there in this world. It was really cool and it was such a great trip. Were making this a thing. Were going next year and just like my Christmas Cookie tradition that has grown so much, I know next year when we go were going for 2 nights. Were going to rent a boat, to out to dinner, hang out and get drunk at the pool, and go to Cedar Point. Let's get back to this trip though. Here's everything I captured:

1. A ride. The Matterhorn.

2. Since I have moved into my "own" place, I now collect magnets. I obviously had to add to my collection. Not a bad deal either at $5. I bought them in the park.

3. Starbucks. Alex had a gift card and bought me Starbucks twice. I love that girl. I am more of a Dunkin Donuts girl but I liked the Starbucks iced espresso. I got the cinnamon one once and the white chocolate one the second time. I think I like the cinnamon one better. Alex got a caramel Frappuccino.

4. The Power Tower at night. You will not catch me dead on that ride. But it makes for a pretty picture.

5. Lake Erie.

6. Oh my gosh you guys the hotel we stayed at was sick! I couldn't believe it was a Comfort Inn! It had an indoor pool, outdoor pool with a full bar, a jacuzzi, a sauna, a game room, a night club and the rooms were really nice too.  

7. This mermaid statue was in the hotel lobby. Not to mention the vaulted ceiling. How adorable is this place?

8. My and my feet in the wave pool. 

9. I love taking photos of roller coasters and capturing the actual coaster going down the track. This roller coaster was right outside the wave pool. That was our favorite place, I think.

Me and Philly went at the beginning of the year to Cedar Point for a half day, If you wanna see those photos {I got some really good ones that time} Then click

Also, follow me on Instagram! What are you waiting for?

thank you for reading


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